Embracing your community
By Layla Lisiewski
As parents, we are so focused on finding ways to make our kids, and our families, feel more settled, right? Whether we’re new parents, or we just moved to a new area or our kids started a new school, etc., our common thread is that we all need community. In the wake of the 2 years of pandemic shutdowns, I believe we’re all craving it now more than ever. That sense of connection and belonging is so important. These “villages” are not just helpful and fun in good times but they are even more crucial and needed in tougher times.
Over the years, I’ve learned a ton about what community means and how important it is for moms particularly, so here are 5 ways to find your “village” wherever you and your family are.

Sign up for as many local events as possible
During the pandemic shutdowns, we really missed being able to do things as a family, as moms or as couples, in person. Thankfully, community events are back! From festivals, fairs to fireworks, to block parties and cookouts, there are once again so many events to choose from to suit you and your family’s interests.
Find other new people
If you’re new to town, join a Newcomers Club – many towns have them, and arrange playgroups with kiddos as well as coffees sans kids, so your whole family can meet new people and be on the road toward making new friends. If you don’t have a Newcomers group in your town, why not post on Facebook and start one?
Volunteer at your child’s school or daycare
There’s no better way to ingrain yourself in your child’s life as well as meet other families than signing up to help, whether that’s as Class Mom, supervising a field trip or joining a committee. Your involvement may change as your kids get older, but there are always ways to help and you’ll always meet other moms who want to do the same.
“Finding common interests is a great way to build a community that aligns with your values or priorities”
Become a member of a club or house of worship
Finding common interests is a great way to build a community that aligns with your values or priorities. Sports clubs, community centres, book clubs, and other organizations are a great way to find families and moms who you’ll have common interests with. If you practise a religion, joining a house of worship is an easy way to find not only spiritual offerings but also social ones, for everyone from babies to big kids and parents.

Use technology
When we’re very busy, volunteering, spending time at a club, or adding one more activity to our plates can feel overwhelming. But taking a few minutes to put together a classroom text chain, or virtually connect with a new friend on social media, can help you cement the connection and help share news and support on and offline. Following along on parenting portals like The Local Moms Network as well as your local mom groups on Facebook and other social media platforms will help you connect, and join in on conversations happening around you on topics you care about.
I hope these tips help you feel more rooted in your area.