What to do with used children's clothing
by Sarah Kossits
As a parent, there are few things more frustrating than buying new clothes for your kids just for them to be ruined almost immediately after purchase. Whether it’s because the clothes shrink drastically no matter how carefully you wash them, get stretched out after a single wear or because the buttons pop off after a week, spending a lot of money on things with such a short lifespan is always an irritating experience. Even if the clothes make it through your child’s current growth phase, it can be discouraging to realize after the fact that none of it is in good enough condition to pass down.
However, by investing in higher quality garments, not only will you be able to save a lot of it for any younger siblings (therefore saving money in the long run), but there are plenty of other ways to give the clothes a second life in order to avoid the harmful impacts of fast fashion. Here are just a few of the ways to pass down quality used clothing all while teaching your children about generosity & the joy of giving!
Think Community
Those who are in your immediate vicinity are the easiest to donate your used clothing to. If you have younger children who will grow into their siblings’ things within a year or two, put the clothes in a bin and keep it in storage! This is one of the best ways to save yourself money in the long run when it comes to children’s clothing, since you won’t have to constantly buy new items for all of your kids.
If you have no other children of your own, consider giving the clothes a second life by passing them down to any nieces, nephews, neighbours or family friends. Giving clothes to those in your community is an experience that not only makes you feel good, but that can also help strengthen relationships! For Adam Frost, Hatley’s vice president of sales & marketing, passing down his son’s clothing brought him closer to one of his friends.
“Giving clothes to those in your community is an experience that not only makes you feel good, but that can also help strengthen relationships!”
“My buddy has a boy that’s one year behind Henry and it adds another layer to the friendship that I don’t have with my other buddies,” he explained. “When I see his boy wearing Henry’s old jacket — it’s a nice feeling. It often brings back great memories I have of Henry wearing it.”
Charities, Non-Profits & Shelters
Donating your clothes to charities, non-profits or shelters is an easy and effective way to have a direct impact on your local community. There are lots of places in need who would be happy to put your donation to good use!
If you don’t know of any or don’t know where to start, a simple Google search of “charities to donate children’s clothing to in ___” will send you on your way. Do research on which ones you like best, which ones are legitimate and which ones your clothes will do the most good for. Once you’ve decided on a charity, reach out to them and find out how to donate! Getting your kids involved in the selection process is also a great way to start a discussion about those less fortunate and about charity altogether.
Similarly, homeless shelters, women’s shelters and social service departments frequently host children who may have nothing with them but the clothes on their backs. Parents sometimes have to flee dangerous situations rapidly, giving them little time to prepare or equip themselves with what they’ll need. Donations to these organizations can directly help these individuals during a difficult time of their lives.
Whether you hang on to your child’s used clothes for a younger sibling, pass them down to friends & family or donate them to a charity or shelter, there are many different ways in which you can make a difference by ensuring that they get a second life. Investing in quality apparel that can last will give you a lot of options.
Sarah Kossits is a Montreal-based writer with five years experience writing about sports, feature stories, food and more! Having grown up with a very busy schedule, she became passionate about organization at a young age and still organizes every aspect of her life as an adult. In her free time you can find her playing hockey, sipping a strong coffee or taking a nap!